Disquiet Junto 159 Kitchen Hyperlapse

This week the Junto involved documenting a recipe with the option of adding a tonal accompaniment. Kimchi was the first recipe that came to mind. I considered an idea to document an activity that wasn't cooking food but really wanted to make kimchi. It's a spicy form of pickled cabbage that originated in Korea, I think.

I try to always have a batch of kimchi in the fridge. I like to eat it with rice, apple and vegies (particularly celery and capsicum) as well as with cheese in toasted sandwiches. It's also good with noodles.

The audio documentation was undertaken with a Rode NT-4 stereo microphone and a Zoom H4n. I used a bunch of different EQs and compression, as well as reverb. Editing undertaken in Final Cut Pro, which was a deliberate decision to approach the task differently.

I'd bounced the file out of Final Cut and into Ableton Live a couple of times before I added the bassline. It was recorded as a single take and then duplicated throughout. It's a preset from my Novation V-Station VST, which I think is a great instrument as it has lots of useable presets.

Kimchi has a reputation for being health-enhancing and I wanted the bass line to add a sense of awe and reverence.