Disquiet Junto 0634 Bust a Move


One of my biggest music influences is the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. 

When I got that as a kid, it blew my mind how funky a movie could be. 

There are a couple of classics interpreted as disco numbers, so I took that idea as inspiration and made this track with Swan Lake.

Anyway, as I was exporting the track, I had a doubt about whether I'd honoured the Junto prompt. 

Maybe it's a guilty conscience for uploading an old track last week, but I decided to do something different. 

So the track at the top of my post was recorded quickly. I set up my camera and used the built-in mic, recording from the kitchen sink into the dodgy extension on the house where the drum kit seems to sound great (maybe it's the low ceiling?). 

 I've been enjoying hearing Schubert's waltzes, so I found one on Youtube and kept everything muffled with the window closed while I beat the drums hard.