Disquiet Junto Mediated Solo Duet

This week I returned to the Disquiet Junto, although I haven't finished editing the videos I'm meant to be working on. Anyway, I figured it wouldn't take me too long to follow these instructions:

As I've been procrastinating, I mean editing video, I haven't spent time working on new musical material. So for this Junto I listened over my previous Juntos and settled on my wind chime remix for 107, which I called Antipodes.

The track was at a tempo that felt a bit slow for my drumming, so I struggled a bit but recorded a few takes and settled on the final. I get a lot of pleasure from playing drums but my sense of timing isn't great. Given my father struggles to clap in time, I think I might be battling a genetic shortcoming.

The room the drums were recorded in has no acoustic treatment and the drums haven't been tuned since Burning Seed last year.

Audio was recorded using the Rode VideoMic that's on my Nikon SLR camera, which had a 50mm lens with a wide-angle adapter attached. I mastered the audio in Ableton Live, using tape emulation, compression and a few other effects.