Disquiet Junto video game music

My Junto piece this week took a bit of a leap from the instructions:

This morning I wasn't sure I'd get to the Junto. There's a CD I'm mastering and an article I'm trying to finish before an interview for another piece, as well as the catalogue mentioned last week. Anyway, when the opportunity presented itself to to work on a tune my instrument died. I'd planned to use my circuit bent omnichord but it seemed to short-circuit, which really sucks.

So I was kinda down and sulked for a bit before playing with the notes in Ableton Live. I picked a Phosphor preset that reminded me of what I'd heard of the X-Box. It didn't sound very 8-bit but I thought I'd use tape delay to reference the magnetic memory of the computer games of my youth.

Amon Tobin made a cool soundtrack for a video game and I was fascinated with how it manipulates the dynamics of the track to accomodate action (or the lack thereof) in a level setting. My track uses loops and automates the compression, channels, delay, EQ and tempo to create dynamics. It'd be cool if computers had delay artefacts in their noises I think.

Ended up enjoying myself and let the track run overtime. The tempo changes I imagined as processing problems in my hardware. Like how games would slow down when there was a lot of action onscreen.