Disquiet Junto 0642 Kick from Champagne

The Disquiet Junto project this week invites participants to make a techno track using kick drums made from the sound of something carbonated.

It stumped me for a few hours, as I'm on holiday at the coast and wasn't sure I could record a good pop even if I had a bottle of sparkling wine.

Then I remembered Archive.org and downloaded:

  • https://archive.org/details/bigclive_20201107
  • https://archive.org/details/VirtualWine-vwtip_060810_03_how_to_open_champagne936
  • https://archive.org/details/twitter-1304429831409537024

These were edited in Ableton Live and used only the effects within that software.

I found the sparkling pops worked for the snare sound and also the bass part, but there was a sample of Clive putting down some bit of equipment that gave an okay kick sound.

With that in mind it's interesting that two of the three videos compared the pop of the cork to a farting noise.

After shaping up the loops and getting a rhythm going, I gave the track structure in Live's Arrangement view and added the vocal part since I liked Clive's commentary.