Disquiet Junto 0533 Numbers Magik


The Disquiet Junto this week activity involves remixing material from the trios projects earlier this year.

In the first round of those projects, RPLKTR hailed me as a fellow Youtuber and I'd wanted to respond to his track.

It has a lilting melody in a pop song structure, played on a little synth that sounds like an interpretation of a little Asian stringed instrument.

At the time I was stuck for how to contribute.

Last night, as I was finishing my track, I worried I might've become unstuck!

I'd looped a drum part and bass line, then had the idea to record through Volcas.

The Korg Volca range are fun and cheerful products, but I struggle to make them fit in a track.

When I played my son the recording, he thought it had smothered RPLKTR's track.