Disquiet Junto 0441 Three Stones

The Disquiet Junto asks for a piece of music that considers how stones can be thought to connect with where they originated.

I've used a recording I made last week at Pindari, where Alan Lamb and Scott Baker built an instrument known as 'the wires' for the 2004 Unsound Festival.

My partner and I worked with Alan for the 2006 Unsound Festival, and I've recorded 'the wires' since then and trimmed trees to ensure they continue to hum.

Last week 'the wires' weren't humming, as it was very still.

You can hear the long decay from touching 'the wires' and I've created a piece of music that aims to slow their back-and-forth hum even more.

My idea was to create a sense of the geological change that revealed and distributed the granite boulders on the hilltop outside Wagga Wagga.