Disquiet Junto 0422 Chapter Cascade

The Disquiet Junto instructions this week focus on brevity:
Compose a piece of music made of up lots of very short bursts. You will have an A line and a B line, which will be tonally and aesthetically distinct from each other. These will alternate back and forth for however long you desire. Consider a length of about a second, or less, for each sliver of sound. And then finally at the very end, have the A and B lines combine.

I jammed on a few ideas, then revisited the instructions and realised I was going in the wrong direction.

Although, to be fair, I don't think there's a wrong way to Junto.

Earlier today I'd recorded my son playing the drums and had attempted to match up a couple of loops.

One is in 6/8, while the other is 4/4; and one had higher fidelity sound as I'd plugged in the VideoMic.

So I turned to these recordings and it's a thrill to collaborate with a family member on a Junto, which doesn't happen very often.

I added distortion, as well as different EQs and compressors to each part.

The parts are each a bit longer than a second and share the same fill, but I liked the constraint of using drums for the composition.

And I also liked not having to worry about recording because it's scorching hot today.