Disquiet Junto 0356 Ground Swell

The Junto this week asks for a recording of a place made with layers to create unease.

I'm not sure I understood the instruction but had an idea of a place where I've been frightened and used a recording of my clothesline to create unease.

My house is on the wrong side of the tracks and, while there are routes to get to town, the quickest journey requires negotiating the railway.

This usually isn't difficult but with small children, it can prove challenging.

The biggest fright was having a train round the corner while my son was trying to get his bike over the tracks.

When he was younger, I'd read a Thomas the Tank Engine story to him about a ghost train.

It was an image that combined with this project, although it might not be obvious.

I liked the idea of being stuck on the tracks in some sort of nightmare scenario.

Aaron Levy on the role of artists

The role of artist is to occupy precisely this position of exchange, unclarity, and discomfort; maneuvering along a ‘liminal axis,’ the artist accesses a landscape of potentiality.

Disquiet Junto 0355 Sonic Vivisection

The Disquiet Junto this week asks participants to "consider the concept of vivisection" by operating "with incisions on a live sound in real time."

At first I thought about live dub, as I've been remembering watching the Mad Professor perform at Vibes On A Summers Day in Bondi some years ago.

Then I remembered my drum-triggered effects rig and thought I'd loop some chords I've been playing on my ukulele.

There's a couple of small incisions, to edit out the click-track on the Jamman looping pedal and then to add a short vocal sample.

The title comes from a piece of graffiti I used to see in the Woden Plaza Bus Interchange last century.

Still reigning


Back when I decided to stop uploading tracks to Soundcloud, I started filming toasted sandwiches as a way to share music on Youtube.

This is my latest jam.