Noon sun

electric kalimba

The previous electric kalimba video was popular, so I went back to the material recorded that day.

It features the Chase Bliss Audio pedal called Onward, as well as a patch on Empress' Zoia and an Electro Harmonix Bass9 pedal with the Behringer RD6 drum machine.

Every now and then

Sometimes a video seems to take on a life beyond whatever meaning it had when recorded.

An example being the comments in a recent, badly-shot recording. 

All because I lazily took a 50mm lens instead of a wider angle, which cropped out the chair that I was sitting on.

The results in how people interpreted the image were unexpected.

I'll do whatever


Disquiet Junto 0678 Commonplace Playlist

The Disquiet Junto project this week is a diary sharing snippets from activities through the year.

Many of these are on but some are from university assignments.

One of the biggest changes for me was moving from working as a curator to training to become a teacher.

Just before I finished at the Museum we held a great event that focused on projection-mapping.

naviarhaiku572 – cool breeze

The coolest thing I could think of recording for the poem shared by Naviar Records this week.

Effect pedals make everything sound better.

Disquiet Junto 0677 Jeux d’enfants

The Junto project is to record a short piece of music inspired by a childhood game.

All the mention of spinning and I could only remember wanting to be dizzy. 

There’s a tenor guitar going into a parallel mixer called ‘the kilter’ and then through a EHX Mel-9 as well as Chase Bliss Habit with an Empress patch that I think had a symbol like Prince.

Dear Old Spice


Disquiet Junto 0676 Sub Melody

The Junto project came as I was exploring the kalimba through guitar effect pedals.


Looks like tonight I'll be playing my only live set this year

I'm open to playing another show, but we're almost halfway through December now.

2024 has been an interesting year for me and the live set tonight opens with the track that I put in the Junto time vault back in April.

That track was recently unlocked and it's incredible to think about the change in my career since then.

When the song was written I was a museum curator and now I'm on my way to becoming a qualified teacher.

Disquiet Junto 0675 Arc of the Drone

The Junto this week is to "Record a drone that goes from simple to complex to simple."

People see Xmas trees