Disquiet Junto 0663 Drive Way

The Disquiet Junto assignment this week is to "Record a piece of music that complements the hum and whir of a hard drive."

I have a laptop with a noise hard drive, so first I recorded it.

Then I found a take I'd recorded on the drums and added organ, 303 and bass.

Finally, I gated the hard drive and automated effects.

After all why


Disquiet Junto 0662 Spin Cycle

The Disquiet Junto prompt this week is to "Record a piece of music that pits one bicyclist against another."

After a big weekend I had time to record one take before the space ran out on my digital media.

Then I threw a bunch of effects onto the duplicated takes to make them sound like rivals.

10 years

naviarhaiku557 – I write, erase, rewrite


The haiku shared by Naviar Records was an opportunity to revisit an earlier recording.