The key to happiness


Disquiet Junto 0526 Magic Number (2 of 3)


For the second part of the Disquiet Junto's asynchronous trio project, I jammed along with Shark With Lasers' track 'L Chord Pulse'.

If you want to join us, the audio (wav file) and video (mov file) can be downloaded from these hypertext links.

Since this Junto allows further contributions, I've joined Seramind on the track 'Skrap' with a drum track.

I've used gates to try and tame my playing, as well as saturation to make it sound at home.

Again, if you want to join us, the audio (wav file) and video (mov file) can be downloaded from these hypertext links.

What happened to him?


What is your general approach

What is your general approach to making art? Some people are feelings/intuition-based. Or for some people, they have this idea or this question that they’re wanting to explore. Or others, there’s a certain technical skill that they’re interested in developing or focusing on. Obviously, for some people, it’s a mixture of all those approaches. I’m wondering what yours is.

Disquiet Junto 0524 Sunset Waveform


The Disquiet Junto activity this week asks for an interpretation of this sunset photograph as a waveform.

I saw a guitar in the image, as it reminded me of the many variations there are on this idea of the instrument in the silhouette of trees.

So I recorded a couple of takes using the gated guitar rig and tried to keep in mind the shape of the treeline.

There are a number of inputs all triggered by the guitar, through its pickups and the MIDI and the Submarine pickup on the lower strings.

It’s largely a single take, although I added a little reverb in post.