Drummer Jaki Liebezeit's E-T system
Although Leibezeit never considered himself a teacher as such, he
became the centre of the Drums Off Chaos collective, a group of fellow
drummers who gravitated towards him, attracted by his system.
It was one the group's members, Gero Sprafke, who transcribed the
system, making it a matter of record. Leibezeit's system, which is
roughly analagous to Morse code, is referred to as E-T, the E and the T
coming from Morse code to represent the dot and the dash. It has four
basic rules:
- Dot means a hit with one hand. Dash means two hits with one hand, with the duration of two dots.
- Dots and dashes are always played by alternate hands.
- The second hit in a dash is always quieter than the first, even to
the point of silence. It can be almost as loud as the first hit but
never as loud or louder.
- Accents are only possible after a dash.