Disquiet Junto 0662 Spin Cycle

The Disquiet Junto prompt this week is to "Record a piece of music that pits one bicyclist against another."

After a big weekend I had time to record one take before the space ran out on my digital media.

Then I threw a bunch of effects onto the duplicated takes to make them sound like rivals.

10 years

naviarhaiku557 – I write, erase, rewrite


The haiku shared by Naviar Records was an opportunity to revisit an earlier recording.

Sweeten my mix

By Nicole McLaughlin

Disquiet Junto 0661 Consumer Drone Product

The Disquiet Junto project this week is to "Record a piece of drone music using sounds from your home." 

It reminded me that I'd recorded my washing machine, because I liked the rhythm it was making.

I took the video and stretched, then pitched it down and used Live's MIDI function to create the notes being played by a couple of VST synths.

Then I tried a few instances of Lossy and other effects to make the parts all sound like they fitted together.

Disquiet Junto 0660 Louis Blues St.


This week’s Junto project is a communal remix using either the original or the “denoised” version of this 1922 recording of the classic 'St. Louis Blues.' 

The "denoising" was remarkable when I went back to the original!

Marc's instructions state:

Break the track into segments. While you may be inclined toward tiny granular slivers, consider emphasizing bars or phrases. Experiment with segments of equal length and of varying lengths.

I found a number of bars that interested me and, given it was a remix, immediately set about adding percussion to drive my engagement with the piece.

Before long I'd started to apply my usual remix methodology, particularly gating sections and using Live's Beatrepeat function.

Some sections were reversed as well.

Finally, I applied Goodhertz' Lossy effect to add dynamics and give the drums a grittier sound that sat better with the source material.

The result gives me an early Kid Koala vibe and that's a good thing.