Disquiet Junto 0221 Morning Music
This week the Disquiet Junto gave a nod to Easter with the direction to compose a piece "you’d like to imagine other people would want to wake up to. This isn’t “shock alert” music. It’s quiet, peaceful, refreshing."
My first thought was to remember a dream from earlier in the week where I was backstage at the Grammys watching a performer who sounded a bit like Green Velvet accompanied by dozens of women in American football uniforms on stage under spotlights.
Then I decided that wasn't the right approach. I reflected on the sound I like to awaken me and realised its my partner's voice. One of the wonderful things she does is address me in a measured way when she wants a response while I'm asleep. For years I had girlfriends who would take out their frustrations with my snoring in a variety of short-tempered ways. When I started sleeping with Jo she would put a hand gently on my back and ask in a soft voice for me to roll on my side and I would, usually without needing to awaken.
But I realised that a recording of my partner prompting me to wake up wasn't what the Junto wanted this week.
So I grabbed a few of my favourite chords and experimented with a gentle guitar piece. I wasn't really enjoying the guitar though, so I used MIDI to drive the orchestral samples in Ableton Live. I pasted the same part to each track, aside from a few simple edits, relying on the range of each instrument to determine what it would contribute.
It's great to hear how different participants approached the project. There are many beaut tracks.