Disquiet Junto aluminium remix

The Disquiet Junto this week is a tribute to Lou Reed:
Using the phrase "Metal Machine Muse" as your guide, create a tribute to Metal Machine Music. Please employ at least one actual metal in your work, and note it in the title of your track.
It neatly dovetailed with my plan to remix the fence at Leeton Child Care Centre that I've previously posted about, although I had to edit it to under five minutes as per the guidelines. Hopefully the full version can also go up on Ventdeguitares.com, although to be blunt it still shits me this recording doesn't get the "evil double bass" tone here.

Pretty sure the fence is made of aluminium and this remix also features nickel in the strings on my Yamaha fretless bass. The rhythm reminded me of Corey's performance on this fence earlier this year. The drums are from Audio Damage's Tatttoo via Ohmforce Frohmage filter. There are a bunch of effects too.

I saw Lou Reed play at the ANU Refectory around the turn of the century. A friend of mine had won tickets but couldn't go, so I pretended to be Andrew Pippos for the night. Mr Reed picked a fight with someone in the crowd but played a good set, supported by a drummer who seemed to be giving directions to the bassist.