Disquiet Junto 0640 Time Vault

The Junto this week is a surprising twist on the idea of a creative constraint.

It asks participants to hand over a track for eight months time!

So I got enthusiastic and misread the instruction for a “wordless” piece, but that’s okay I’ll use the track I wrote elsewhere but I made a demo.

As it is I have a different idea for a track that I desperately need to stop myself from whistling.

It’s the call of the Pied Butcherbirds, which I adore hearing at Griffith Pioneer Park Museum.

Over the last year I’ve recorded a few times where we exchange melodic phrases.

However, I shared these with the local Field Nats and heard in response that it is unethical to distract birds.

The argument is that wasting the birds time is not cool and actually I can dig it.

So here is a track I’ve made with my final Butcherbird whistling recording.

In it you can see the point where I realise that my provocations are crashing their party.

You can’t see but there were two birds basically finishing each other’s sentences.

Then I begin parroting them.

At one point I think one bird flies overhead to give me a stern look.