Old Macdonald had a theremin


naviarhaiku529 – A distant mountain


The haiku shared by Naviar Records arrived as I was attempting to make Tchaikovsky in the style of Walter Murphy.

Might yet add a disco-style bass part.

I don't always

Disquiet Junto 0634 Bust a Move


One of my biggest music influences is the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. 

When I got that as a kid, it blew my mind how funky a movie could be. 

There are a couple of classics interpreted as disco numbers, so I took that idea as inspiration and made this track with Swan Lake.

Anyway, as I was exporting the track, I had a doubt about whether I'd honoured the Junto prompt. 

Maybe it's a guilty conscience for uploading an old track last week, but I decided to do something different. 

So the track at the top of my post was recorded quickly. I set up my camera and used the built-in mic, recording from the kitchen sink into the dodgy extension on the house where the drum kit seems to sound great (maybe it's the low ceiling?). 

 I've been enjoying hearing Schubert's waltzes, so I found one on Youtube and kept everything muffled with the window closed while I beat the drums hard.

naviarhaiku528 – What’s a month for the sea


The haiku shared by Naviar Records this week had me looking for a frosty synth sound.

I'd already programmed a few ideas and then set about helping them to work with each other.


Disquiet Junto 0633 Voice Swap

The Disquiet Junto project this week involves substituting singing for instruments, so I've turned back to a piece where I replaced those early vocal parts.

'Alright' appeared with a mix by DJ Pnutz on my album SING, as well as in previous Junto projects in various guises.

It was just waiting to be revisited and returned to a full acapella-style piece.

You spent all this time

I like a Leo meme as much as the next guy and it's refreshing that he isn't holding a drink!

However, this one mistakes the process for the product.

For me the hours are spent making a recording that puts me into a trancelike state that is deeply enjoyable. 

Often it would be best to give it another day, but that usually feels like I might be wasting my time since there's always more to record. 

So I will return to the things that remain strongest at some point in the future, when I revisit tracks to compile an album.



Disquiet Junto 0632 Shear Wind

A funny thing happened along the way to finishing this track. 

I set out yesterday to record sheer wind noise. 

It's something I rarely do and the result seemed underwhelming. 

The microphone mightn't have been plugged in, but the noise was more mechanical most of the time and the wind noise was mostly insignificant. 

So I gated the peaks and used Live to set the BPM and make a drum part from the field recording. 

Along the way I made a different track with a field recording that totally lacked shear wind noise and began wondering if this track was, well, off track for the Junto. 

Then I went back and re-read the Disquiet instruction and realised I had followed the purpose, particularly this bit: "a noise you didn’t notice until you listened back, or a malfunction in the recording equipment." 

The grunting bike noise propels one track in a pack of rhythms and, while it's not wind shear, I followed the direction to make music with the resulting recording.

Making music on a computer


naviarhaiku527 – ore train

The haiku shared by Naviar Records this week reminded me of a recording I'd made at the Museum.

Here the rhythm of the motor reminds me of the way a train rolls.

Reagan Fuzz


Disquiet Junto 0631 In a Silent Waveform

The Disquiet Junto prompt this week is to "Take one held tone and make it dance slowly."

My gated guitar rig immediately came to mind and I settled on freezing the harmonic on the G string of my bass using an Electro Harmonix HOG.

Then that tone is sent to different effects chains that are gated by the drum loop from the Yamaha sequencer.