Disquiet Junto 0626 Audio Journal 2023

The final Disquiet Junto prompt each year has been an opportunity to survey one’s media and it’s always fascinating to see the scenes thrown together. 

It’s a great insight into what participants have been making outside of the Junto too. 

So I was disappointed to see my 2023 seemed quieter than previous years (and here I note this is my ninth video response to the Audio Journal prompt). 

 I can spot there were many visits to material from previous years, as well as reusing recordings through successive projects. 

At first it disappointed me to see there were no videos published on my Youtube in June, then I remembered that was the month that my partner had pneumonia and the Ngurambang exhibition opened in Griffith. 

That was hectic! 

Other highlights not captured here include an exhibition about Murray Cod, winning the “Champion Exhibit” award in a local art competition and being commended for a short story. 

All the best for the new year and I’m looking forward to hearing what you’ve been recording this year, cheers.