The final Junto activity of the year is traditionally a time of editing together snippets from projects during the year.
Disquiet Junto 0469 [Missing in Caption]
The Disquiet Junto project this week is to create "music that pushes the constraints of descriptive television captions."
It was composed with two 303 emulators, a 606, an 808 and a Oberheim emulation.Disquiet Junto 0468 Mirror Rorrim
The Disquiet Junto this week asks participants to "a new persona for yourself, and record a duet together."
I've taken the opportunity to remix my track for Disquiet 360, using an acid-style approach.
Disquiet Junto 0467 Toolbox Show & Tell
The Disquiet Junto this week asks participants to "Share a tip for making music that you learned during the pandemic."
Looking back over my videos during that time and I remembered a clever website for generating MIDI.
Solfa Cipher Secrets takes text and encodes it as MIDI, which is a cool idea and one that appealed to me as a way to turn poetry into music.
In the song accompanying my video I've used poems to create the piano and trombone parts.
Disquiet Junto 0466 [ ] Sound Machine
The American comedian George Wallace made an astute observation this week on Twitter: “You never hear about sound machines from other cities. Miami really cornered the market on that shit.”