Naviarhaiku190 – Poisoned Waterhole

The haiku shared by Naviar Records this week is the fifth and final in the Crossing Streams collaboration with Western Riverina Arts as part of an exhibition planned for Narrandera this October.

My response employs a technique promoted by my sometime collaborator Garlo Jo, where the wind plays the guitar. See his Vent de Guitares website for more.

The passing traffic worked well to vibrate the strings, then it started to rain and the effect was magic.

It's a small thing but I decided not to edit the recording other than to enhance it with reverb and delay, as well as EQ and compression and re-amping effects as it was a direct recording from the guitar.

So those arpeggio-like notes near the end as the rain falls are the water droplets hitting the strings, which become increasingly muted as the shower continues.