I love EQ


naviarhaiku580 – quiescence!


The haiku shared by Naviar left me pondering the meaning of quiescence.

I decided it suited my mood and recorded three instruments in one day, although my family were watching TV when I wanted to record the bass so it wasn't on camera.

Disquiet Junto 0685 Pick-Me-Up

The Disquiet Junto assignment this week is to "Treat a set of sounds like a game of pick up sticks."

I decided to use a collection of chords like the colours of the pick up sticks, then added a little intro for them being dropped into place, and repeated that for when they fall during the game and are packed up.

Rainger FX Minibar

Can't wait to experiment more with this little pedal

It looks novel, but I think a blend of lemon juice and soy sauce might have given me the best distortion that I’ve heard in my bedroom.

So, you're a music producer?


Klon clone

I got curious after looking at Klons and their copies

Bought this cheap imitation on Ebay and it does a good mid boost while filtering out some lower frequencies. 

Doesn’t reach the higher fuzz of the Boss DS1, but worked well before it to add that peaking feeling. 

Kinda missing the bass though, so probably better suited to adding volume for solos.

If I played solos on the guitar!

Actually, maybe I should try it on my basses?

Red or blue?


naviarhaiku579 – Mount Asama

After finishing an assignment, I started playing guitar and trying different effects.

Recently I've been enjoying Alexander pedals and this is a combination of Space Race and Radical Delay DX with a Coppersound Foxcatcher. 

Something about the decay of the distortion led me to think it was suitable for the haiku shared by Naviar this week:

One of the four great haiku masters, Yosa Buson studied both Japanese and Chinese poetry. He was also an accomplished painter, and most of his poems were accompanied by paintings, resulting in a more diverse and individual set of works than the one by his main historical influence, Basho.

The event Bosun refers to is the eruption of Mount Asama in 1783, which instantly killed over 1,000 people. The toxic ash traveled 100 miles to Edo, making farmland useless and causing many more people to starve.

He's probably thinking about synthesizers


Disquiet Junto 0684 Early Bird

The Disquiet Junto assignment this week is to "Record not so much an alarm as a guided wakening."

It prompted me to think back over previous Junto projects that involved waking, particularly "Morning Music" from 2016. 

(Another favourite involved an alarm, which was my 40th Junto ten years ago now.)

Lately my days involve needing to get going and I thought I'd make a track that's got some drive.

I used a video from 2016 showing the Mirrool Creek in flood, which seemed appropriate for emerging from sleep.